Steps to Car Wash Success
A great location, an eye-catching sign, a good customer service track record… all of these things are important, but none of them can guarantee that your car wash will have what it takes to succeed in the long-term.
Regardless of whether you’re just starting out or you’ve just stagnated and want to re-start your growth process, the strategies we’ll outline below should point you in the right direction when it comes to business success.
- You can’t handle everything
You’re going to need help. There’s no getting around it. That can mean your employees, but it can also mean contracting with outside experts in advertising, site planning, interior design, landscaping, community outreach, etc.
- Know your competition
For starters, it’s important to know who you’ll be directly competing with in your neighborhood.
Do they seem more or less successful than you are? If the answer is more, is the quality of their branding better? Is their signage more visible? Are they turning over customers more quickly? Ask around, do your research, and have a clear understanding of who you’re up against.
- Make everyday observations
Whether or not you realize it, you are acting as a data point in your behavior as a consumer every single day. The customer experience is becoming more and more important, and expectations are arguably higher than they ever have been.
Sometimes, it’s hard to put yourself in the shoes of your customer – we get that. It helps to visit a handful of car washes in your area and act as a “secret shopper”. This gives you the opportunity to gather information on how they do business, what kind of equipment they’re using, and how the quality of service matches up to your own.
- Prioritize performance over profits
Buying in bulk, opting for cheaper equipment, keeping salaries low, or not investing in marketing for your business can seem like cost-savers in the short-term, but generally lead to problems down the line. It’s better to spend money now and avoid course correcting later.
Give us a call at 720-733-2800 or inquire on our website if you have any questions about how to make your car wash dreams a reality.