contributor Timothy Denman published an article recently that dives into some of the steps to building a successful car wash brand. The article begins by talking about some of the traditional brand-building strategies used by car wash operators like print advertising and billboards.
Denman goes on to mention more modern digital marketing efforts like email and social media that can allow car washes more direct access to consumers both quickly and conveniently – with the added bonus that those interactions tend to be more mutually-agreed upon.
For instance, you have to make the conscious choice to sign up for an email newsletter, while you don’t really get to determine what flyers or unwanted marketing materials are going to end up in your mailbox without your consent.
Denman also points out that when it comes to advertising your business (whether it’s a car wash or something different entirely) is that the general rules of what makes a “good ad” are pretty universal.
He shouts out ZIPS Express Car Wash, a chain that serves customers at over 275 locations in 24 states. Recently, ZIPS has decided to take a cue from other industries and started to implement influencer marketing to grow its brand in certain markets.
“When you can start to build up a brand and offer something beyond convenience and value and become a destination, that’s when the brand really becomes meaningful,” says ZIPS chief marketing officer Mark Youngworth.
To do this, Youngworth and his marketing team have worked to forge mutually-beneficial partnerships with various collegiate athletic programs spanning across their multi-state service area. This is the kind of strategy that you would normally see a beverage company like Red Bull or a dating app like Bumble employ, but it seems to have worked incredibly well for ZIPS.
Unlike most businesses in this space, ZIPS understands the importance of looking towards the future with an overarching brand strategy in mind.
But, as Denman so accurately points out, “All the branding efforts and influencer deals in the world will not make up for a sub-par wash experience.”
Because of its superior wash quality and large geographic reach, ZIPS doesn’t have to worry that it’s not delivering on its promises to be ubiquitous with a “feel-good American car wash”. However, it is important to remember. Convenience, experience, and a great value cannot be forgotten or thrown out the window to stay “on trend” or in the name of aesthetics only.
Read the rest of the article for more information and a wish list of common site upgrades for the future, and for more insights and information on the car washing industry as a whole, check out our recent blog post about improving brand awareness with car wash advertising or contact us to learn how Hover Architecture can turn your design dreams into a reality.